Action , bring about change

We Are Crypto Guardian

Guard value.

Prevent excessive coin issuance, refuse to participate in coin issuance, block vampires, and store crypto value

Guard the market.

Maintain the health and stability of the crypto industry and promote the sustainable development of the industry

Guard the future.

The crypto industry also needs a healthy ecology. Only a healthy ecological environment can lead to rapid development in the future


Opinions and suggestions from crypto
Elon Mask
    Elon Mask

    Doge CEO

    I believe that crypto will have great development in the next three years on the premise of environmental governance.


      Ethereum Funder

      Not sure I have amazing new insights, other than that this is a complicated muddle, but sometimes recognizing the muddle is the first step to stepping out of it!


        King of Chives

        The crypto has become more and more chaotic in the past 10 years, which is completely different from our original practice. They are all in the raise money. Can’t we do projects without issuing coins?

        Justin Sun
          Justin Sun

          TRO Founder

          The crypto ecology is becoming more and more vicious due to the excessive issuance of coins. We need to clean up the crypto environment.


            Binance Funder

            The excessive issuance of currency will lead to the dispersion of transaction funds, which will seriously dilute the value of mainstream currency and make it difficult for the crypto industry to develop healthily.


            Call of Duty , Act now

            Jion Us

            This fragile crypto deserves a voice. It needs solutions, it needs to change, it needs you .

            Value Discovery

            Discover the seriously undervalued value of the issued crypto.

            Refuse to issue currency

            Overissuance of coins leads to increasingly vicious crypto ecology.

            Restoration of ecology

            Cut off the evil claw of malicious coin issuing Purify ecology .

            Supervise the market

            Supervise the transaction process to ensure fairness and justice .

            Convey Ideas

            Recruit and expand the volunteer team to publicize the mission and purpose of GSO

            Latest News.